Akik néha idetévednek:

2011. január 11., kedd

Párizsi krém/ Parisien Cream

Párizsi krém anyaghányada:

- 1000 g cukor
- 1000 g vaj
- 400 g kakaópor
- 700 ml tejszín

A tejszínt a cukorral felfőzzük, hozzáadjuk a kakaóport és a vaj 1/4 részét.
Gyenge golyópróbáig besűrítjük és fondánfépen átengedjük. Kihülve a visszamardt vajjal habosra keverjük. Ha erős szálpróbáig főzzük, akkor nem kell a fondángépen átengedni.

Parisien Cream:

Application of utensils, and machines
Preparation: This cream has the strongest chocolate taste, dark brown, delicious chocolate cream.
It can be stored for a long time, and can be used mostly to fill desserts and delicacies.

Sugar1000 gr,
Butter1000 gr,
Cocoa powder 400 gr,
Cream 700 ml,

Boil sugar and cream together, add some cocoa powder and the quarter of the butter. Make it dense to the ball-test and let it through fondant machine. After it has cooled down add the rest of the butter and blend until foamy. Rococo cream is the1-1 mixture of basic butter cream a Parisien cream. You can use it to fill Rococo Cake, Stephanie Cake and Chocolate cake. Making of chocolate cake: take the cool dough base out from the baking mould and cut it into three parts. Fill it with chocolate cream and firm it. Glaze the top and the side of the cold cake with chocolate and sprinkle it with granulated chocolate. Cut it into pieces as you have learnt it.
Variations:-You can glaze the side of the cake with chocolate and don’t need to sprinkle it with chocolate-Glaze the top with chocolate fondant, and then sprinkle with granulated chocolate-Glaze the whole of the cake with chocolate fondant and don’t sprinkle with granulated chocolate-Glaze the cake with its own cream, than sprikle with granulated chocolate.

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Budapest, Hungary
I share some recipe it with those who like to make cakes. (Megosztok néhány receptet azokkal akik szívesen készítenek süteményeket.)